Course: EDUC - 6165 -
Week 3 Blog
Strategies for
Effective Communication
Joanne Lynch
Date: Saturday 16th
November, 2013.
Although professional relationships involve some confines when it comes
to interacting with colleagues, it is vital to manifest sensitivity, and to
really care about the people you work with. However, if you do not care about
them, it will be complicated for them to care about you when it comes to working
together. Actually, the capability to
communicate effectively becomes exceptionally critical when faced with
apposition, unsupported, or antagonist colleagues.
Nonetheless, there are three strategies that could be used to assist me
in communicating effectively with my colleagues. They are: (1) To be forbearing,
respectful, and try to enlarge my capability to endure ambiguity, once I am speaking to someone
with distinct dissimilar worldview, (2) Be mindful, because my life is what my
ideas make me. Certainly, I have to be responsively acquainted with what my
colleagues are doing, thinking, or sensing, especially when it comes to
cultural differences, where I have to accept that there is a link between
thoughts and deeds, whenever I interact with persons from varying backgrounds,
(3) Avoid negative judgments, because these can be hurdles for effective communication,
and can cause mistrust and suspicion, as well as, kindle violence. More
importantly, instead of making convictions, I will have to acknowledge
variations and observe them as interesting difficult tasks, rather than as
impediments to be eliminated.
S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal
communication: Relating to others (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Your last comment about seeing difficult conversations as a challenge rather then an impediment is inspiring. No doubt it will take work rather then just giving up but will end up strengthening relationships and promoting professional growth.