Week 7 Blog Assigment - EDUC - 6162
- 7
Getting to Know Your International
Contacts-Part 3
Joanne Erina Lynch
Date: Saturday 20th April, 2013.
I took the opportunity to peruse the
webpage of the United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization's
(UNESCO) http://www.unesco.org/new/en/education/themes/strengthening-education-systems/early-childhood,
and obtained insights on issues related to international early childhood
education that has connection with my professional goals, which are: (1) the
completion of my Master's Degree in less than two days. (2) continue making
constructive contributions to the teaching service, while adding value to the
profession, making changes in the classroom instruction by promoting growth in
students' learning, and (3) working towards being among the highest echelon of
professionals in the early childhood education field in my country, as well as
abroad. Issues that would be looked at on early childhood are: (1) Access and
equity (2) children's rights are human rights, and (3) quality.
In early childhood education, equity is
alluded to fairness, which focuses on an equilibrium of two divergent sets of rights:
(1) the right to be given the opportunity to present at an early childhood
environment (2) the right to be involve and be enacted proportionately within
that setting. Moreover, Jomtien Declaration for Education for All (1990) postulates
that learning commences at confinement. However, ten years later, the Dakar
Framework for Action (2000) redeclared the essential of early childhood, by
encompassing the advancement of early childhood care and education, which is
the predominant of its six principal objects. Attention is directed to children
from various countries who are the most defenseless and drawback, by broadening
and reforming extensive early childhood care and education. Moreover,
governments were specifically compelled to develop fair approach to standard
early childhood maintenance, by underlining the fundamental of establishing
code of conducts in support of the destitute. Furthermore, territories that are
mostly disadvantaged, should receive a fair and just distribution of resources
among different population, from the central governments.
Obviously, a child is a human being under
the age of eighteen, and children's rights are the human rights of children
with specific concern to the rights of exceptional safety and care, manage to
give to subordinates. However, the most extensive recognized human rights
agreement is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was validated by
one hundred and ninety three (193) countries. In this convention, the child is
being contemplated as an individual, a community and family member with age
pertinent rights and trustworthiness. As a result, the right to education is
one of the rights that enshrined in the Convention that makes the exercise of
all the other human rights possible.
Certainly, young children especially those
from disadvantaged backgrounds will have their health improve, and their
development and learning promoted through high-quality early education and
child care. Beneficial elements to reflect on when quantifying early childhood
care and education comprise pedagogy materials, personal training, service
setting, and parental education and involvement. Learning materials should be quantitatively,
culturally and developmentally adequate and focus on child centered
interaction. All workers in the early childhood care and education field are
from diverse backgrounds.
The working situations and sufficient training
are fundamental, so as to amalgamate the constituent and operation in the
field, which will address the alteration to conventional schooling. The
physical infrastructure and service setting in various countries may differ. However,
appropriate play and learning materials, as well as vigorous participation from
parents and communities, will guarantee that early childhood services persists significantly
to the needs of the children and all other
"Early Childhood Care and Education" webpage
Thanks for your in-depth post.
ReplyDeleteI also want to say congratulations. Your post mentioned you will be completing your Master's in 2 days. That is a great accomplishment.
Betsy, thank you for your correction concerning my posting. I really mean in two years , instead of two days.