Saturday 14 September 2013

Course: EDUC – 6164-2
Week 2 Blog Assignment
My Family Culture
Joanne Lynch
Date: Saturday 14th September, 2013.

       A major catastrophe has devastated the infrastructure of my country, and I was in the position as a surviving citizen. I was told by the emergency government that I have to evacuate to another country to seek refuge permanently, but I have to take only three small items that I hold dear, as well as, representing my family’s culture. Indeed, I would have taken my passport, debit card, and family will.
      Undoubtedly, these three small items are of great significance. For that reason, being a patriot, my passport will be one of the most important forms of identification, and an official document that is issued by the government which I have possessed as a national, permitting me to travel abroad. On the other hand, the debit card (also known as bank card or check card) is a ductile payment card which is more or less rectangular in shape, and endows me to electronic access to my bank account(s) at a financial institution. Moreover, the will which is my legal instrument that sanctions me, the testate, to clearly set out my wishes for the distribution of my assets after death.
      Certainly, each of these items is fundamental to me in various ways. For instance, travel security measures have increased, and it is almost impossible to travel without a passport, since it is connected with the right of legal protection abroad, and the right to enter one’s country of nationality. Likewise, it is a symbol of travel, and a basic requirement for me to make the trip outside of my country. In addition to that, is my debit card which is used as a more convenient way of spending money, than simply carrying cash around at all times. By using the debit card, instant cash can be withdrawn at the Automatic Teller Machines (ATM), as well as, it can be used anywhere that credit cards are accepted. Most importantly is the will, which assists in dictating the smooth transaction of the family assets, and minimizing tensions among survivors.
      Admittedly, if I were told upon arrival that I can only keep one of these personal items, for sure, I will give first preference to the debit card. For that reason, the passport would have already allowed me to physically enter the country, giving proof of my identity. The will would have been a fixed legal document, since it possesses certain required elements that are clear, legally valid, and up to date. Besides, it would have been prepared by an expert, ensuring that all assets are protected and distributed according to my wishes.
      Undoubtedly, when one has to integrate into a new society, it could be difficult to live and function according to a different and sometimes mysterious set of norms, likewise, to be dependent on people you are not familiar with. Hence, the reasons why I have decided to give my debit card the first choice. Due to not being employed at the moment, I will need enough money to be comfortable in my standard of living; for example, to buy food, for travelling purposes, in the case of illness, or during an emergency.
      Obviously, having the debit card will enable me to live to the fullest, and not being dependent on anyone. Indeed, the debit card is linked directly to my bank account, and immediately deducts the amount of the purchase or withdrawal from the account. In fact, there is a growing abundance of Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) around the world, which makes it easier to access the local currency.
      However, the insight I have attained, is that when an individual lives in a new culture, he or she has to remain open to become aware of similarities and differences, to learn rather than to judge. It can be exhilarating, personally rewarding, intellectually stimulating, and above all very frustrating. More importantly, it can be difficult to adapt to the behavior to the customs and expectations of the host country.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer).  (2011). Family cultures: Dynamic

Passport- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from
What is a debit card? (2013, May28). Retrieved from
What is a will and why do I need one? Retrieved from


  1. Joanne,

    You and I were thinking along similar lines when selecting three items to take with us under the circumstances described. I chose an American flag, but the passport may be an even better choice because of the reasons you state. Not only would it be a physical representation of my American citizenship, but it is an important document needed for travel.

    How is the bank card representative of your family culture?

    1. Hi Ava,
      My bank card represents my family's culture, since it is habitual that we never leave our home with any cash on us. Anything can happen on a journey, and if we are financially disabled, it will rather be embarrassing to depend on others. Therefore, we never leave our house without some financial backing.


  2. Joanne,
    From this exercise I have realized how difficult it would be for anyone to chose three items then only one. For me I had to think very hard about those three items, I choose my photos,bible and passport. We had similar thoughts along the lines of the travel document.I appreciated how you explained the choosing of your three .
