Saturday 8 June 2013

Week 5 Blog Assignment - EDUC - 6162 - 2

Research around the World

Joanne Lynch

Date: Saturday 8th June, 2013.

     Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA),, was chosen as the influential international website link that is dedicated to early childhood. Its mission is to supplementary improving African Early Childhood Development leadership competence as an indicator approach in subsistence of child, family, and society well-being, and expansive communal and financial evolution.
     In addition to that, the Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (ECDVU) is a novelty, and multifaceted technique to addressing Early Childhood Development dimensions construct and leadership expansion in Africa. Likewise, it is underpinned by a diversity of international, regional, and local organizations, including the managers of participants.

Some of the current international research topics for Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are:

  • The new features in procedures to education and partnership, which is devoted to rectifying the standard of life for children and their families in Africa. However, prospectus solicits to attain this through working on a continued nepotism with Early Childhood Development leaders from across the continent.
  • Generating research/reports- The aim of the ECDVU program is to expand knowledge accessible concerning the eminence of Early Childhood Development in Africa.
  •  Project Generating Publications (Publications, Reports and videos) which is fervent to advancing and upgrading data of significance to Early Childhood Development in the majority world.

      The surprising insights about early childhood I have gained from exploring this international early childhood website are: the Early Childhood Development Virtual University commissions a number of systems to post-secondary education that are non-traditional in constitution. Hence, encompassing discerning the persistence and skill that endure locally and regionally, including these voices and expertise into the learning process. Besides that, is the way the ECDVU works with nominees of participating countries, enhancing their communal and fiscal advancement via addressing the demand of their youngest citizens, and families in societies which cultivate them.
     Consequently, Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) making a difference in the lives of children, youth, families and communities, is noteworthy information discovered on this website. Obviously, the School of Childhood Youth Care extend a prosperous educational experience that underpins practice and research with children, youth, families and societies who are experiencing confrontation.


Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
                 Retrieved from:

1 comment:

  1. Joanne,
    I also chose the ECDVU's website because of its focus on educating competent early childhood practitioners. I was surprised by all of the innovative methods the organization was employing to deliver relevant training to practitioners across the continent, and I hope that their endeavor is ultimately successful.
